Using the ION VIP XML Import Module to Import Data from an Excel Spreadsheet

The XML Import Module allows importing of XML data from other applications or data sources for use as real-time numeric registers within the ION VIP.

Product Line
ION Enterprise

ION VIP and Designer

A typical application might be to import data from an Excel spreadsheet. This data might represent, for example, scheduled production load for an industrial process. This data would be created by another program, or manually by a corporate manager, and the production manager would be responsible for managing loads to this schedule.

ION Enterprise can monitor real time loads and alarm on limits in order to manage loads, but these limits are typically static, or manually adjusted in most applications.

To manually adjust these limits every day, hour or demand interval would be too cumbersome to manage. This example uses the XML Import Module to parse data from an Excel spreadsheet into the VIP. Once available to the VIP, scheduled alarming and control frameworks can be developed to automate the facilitys load management.


See attached document for using the XML Import Module to import data.

Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL186061 V2.0,
Related ranges: ION Programming, ION Enterprise V5.5


Using_the_VIP_XML_Import_Module_to_Import_Data_from_an_Excel_Spreadsheet.pdf [165.96 KB]