How can you import or export the ATV630/ATV930 saved program from the VW3A1111 HMI into somove?
Trying to copy the ATV630 or ATV930 saved program, from the VW3A1111 HMI into somove.

Product Line:
ATV630 and ATV930 with Somove.


Wants to be able to save and copy the program to and from the ATV630 process drives VW3A1111's remote HMI.

Example #1

-Saving from Somove to the VW3A1111 keypad or HMI display example:
-Connect your VW3A1111 to your laptop using a mini USB cable.   It will show up like on your computer like a external drive example E:
-Open Somove and give the project a Name.  This name will be the files name.cfg when you save it to your VW3A11111 keypad.
-Create your project in Somove.
-Go to File and choose "Export"
-Browse your computer for the assigned E: Drive
Click on the E: Drive enter
Choose the "DRVCONF" folder enter
and save your Somove program file as a config or .cfg file in this folder.

Example #2 Importing a program from the VW3A1111 keypad back into Somove.
Connect your VW3A1111 keypad to your laptop using a mini USB cable.
Open up Somove software 2.6
On the main page look to the left and you will see an option to Import/Export  choose Import enter.
Files window will open and you can browse your PC and find the E: Drive that assigned for your remote keypad.
Click on it E: Drive enter
Choose the "DRVCONF" Folder enter
and find your .CFG file that you want to import.

