Yes, customers looking to replace Berger Lahr VRDM3913/50LWB type motor with ID number 52627035200 can order the exact replacement motor from Schneider Electric using the new reference number of BRS39BW460ABA.
BRS39BW460ABA will be the exact replacement, only the part number has been changed.
Attached to this knowledge article is also the product data sheet for this motor.
rev 8-22-18
BRS39BW460ABA will be the exact replacement, only the part number has been changed.
Attached to this knowledge article is also the product data sheet for this motor.
rev 8-22-18
發佈於:Schneider Electric offer a direct replacement for the Berger Lahr VRDM3913/50LWB type motor with ID number 52627035200 ? | 施耐德電機Taiwan