NetBotz 250 | Managing Users
Managing users and user settings on the NetBotz 250.

Product Line:
NetBotz 250

NetBotz 250 (all versions)


Accessing the Local User List
1) Log into the NetBotz 250 Web Interface.
2) Configuration menu > Security > Local Users > Management.

Editing an existing user
1) Access the local user list using the steps above.
2) Click on the username within the list to navigate to the user settings page.
3) See section about descriptions of user settings.

Creating a New User
1) Access the local user list using the steps above.
2) Select Add User.
3) Fill in the new user details.  Descriptions of each field are found below.
NOTE: Make sure that if you want the user to be active, that you enable the user in the top field.
4) Select Next.
5) Cofirm the details and click Apply.

Types of Users
User TypeDescription
AdministratorThe Administrator user has full access just as the Super User does, but this user type can be deleted.
DeviceThe Device user has read-write access to the device-related menus only. The Administrator can enable or disable the Device user account.
Read-OnlyThe Read-Only User account has read-only access, through the Web interface, to view status but not to control a device or change any configured value. The Administrator can enable or disable the Read-Only user account.
Network-OnlyThe Network-Only user has read-write access to the network-related menus only. The Administrator can enable or disable the Network-Only user account.

Description of User Configuration Settings
User SettingDescription
AccessDetermines whether or not the user account has access to log into the system.
User NameSet the case-sensitive user name (64 byte maximum supports up to 64 ASCII characters; Less for multi-byte languages). Note: This field can only be set when creating the user. To change the user name after the account has been created, the user would need to be deleted and recreated with the proper value.
New PasswordSet the case-sensitive password (64 byte maximum supports up to 64 ASCII characters; Less for multi-byte languages).
Confirm PasswordTo confirm the new password, enter it again.
User TypeUser account type used to determine various access permissions to the system.
User DescriptionField used for additional notes to describe this particular user.
Session TimeoutAmount of time (in minutes) the user has before they are logged out due to inactivity.
Serial Remote Authentication OverrideDetermines whether or not this account can login serially even when the NMC authentication is set to RADIUS.

User Preferences
Event Log Color CodingConfigure whether text in the event log is color-coded based on event severity.
Export Log FormatConfigure which format the event log should be displayed in when exported (downloaded). Tab (default) allows fields to be tab-delimited whereas CSV is comma-separated.
Temperature ScaleConfigure which temperature units, Celsius (default) or Fahrenheit, will be displayed throughout this user interface.
Date FormatSelect the user interface date format from the drop-down box.
Bad Login AttemptsNumber of incorrect login attempts a user has before the system disables their account. Upon reaching this limit, a message is displayed informing the user the account has been locked. The Super User or an Administrator-level account is needed to re-enable the account to allow the user to log back in. Note: A Super User account cannot be locked out, but can be manually disabled if necessary.
LanguageSelect the user interface display languages from the drop-down box.
Strong PasswordsConfigure whether new passwords created for user accounts will require additional rules such as at least one lowercase character, one uppercase character, one number, and one symbol.
Password PolicySelect the duration (in days) to which the user will be required to change their password. A value of 0 days disables this feature (by default).

