How to diagnose the eth link status of BMXNOR0200 in application?


Customer asked how to diagnose the eth link status of BMXNOR0200 in application as CH_ERROR bit inside T_COM_ETH_BMX is not realized in BMXNOR0200.


DNP3 eth/IEC 104
DNP3 serial/IEC 101


If NOR eth port is used for DNP3 eth/ IEC104 communication, you could rely on Connection Status value to evaluate the eth link status. i.e. When eth link is off, this value should be 0

If NOR eth port is not used for RTU communication(for ins. DNP3 serial/IEC101), there needs a tricky way to diagnose the eth port  of NOR as CH_ERROR bit inside T_COM_ETH_BMX is not realized in BMXNOR0200.
Instead, we could utilize the Read_Var EFB to realize the self port diagnostic.
As illustrated in the snapshots below:
Timeout is set at 20*100ms=2s in Mgmt1[3]
Target address is set at NOR  address as through ADDM

In case that the eth link is active at NOR, each Read_Var request(by rise of t_en1) will end with successful explicit message transaction. ( Activity bit(Mgmt1[1].0) turns to 0 immediately without error(Mgmt1[2]=0) )

In case that the eth link is off at NOR, each Read_Var request(by rise of t_en1) will end with lasting request of explicit message (Activity bit(Mgmt1[1].0) remains 1)  until timeout(Mgmt1[3]) , after which the Activity bit will turn to 0 with error code equals to 1(Mgmt1[2]=1)

So in this circumstance, customer could rely on Mgmt1[2] value to detect the eth link off at NOR module.


nor_ethdiag.7z [43.66 KB]