Does the SA26PS and SA26PSR Switchboard Pull Section meet the EUSERC requirements for Access Opening or Conduit Entry
With the SA8LL lug termination kit and based on the 2019 version of EUSERC standard 300, SA26PS and SA26PSR meet 345 drawing marked as "Revised" with no revision level or date note and indicates that the Access Opening requirement for 400-800 Amp Pull Sections is 24 inches Wide.

The SA26PS and SA26PSR have an Opening Access of 24 inches Wide as measured from the Interior Side Frames. The Overall Width of these sections is 26 inches. The Access Opening requirements should not be confused with the Conduit Entry opening. Currently, the Conduit Entry opening for these Pull Sections is 22.41 inches wide. The EUSERC standard drawings refer to Access Opening and not Conduit Entry. Please Note that EUSERC is a US standard intended for Electric Utilities.

It should be noted that in the 2014 version of the EUSERC standard 300; this drawing has revisions and date; Drawing 345 Rev.8 Dated 10/08.


FAQ385395-Attachment.docx [96.36 KB]