Could it distinguish between different slaves only by assigning the different Local/Slave Address at NOR DNP3 master?
  1. Issue
Could it distinguish between different slaves only by assigning the different Local/Slave Address at BMXNOR0200 DNP3 master?
  1. Environment
BMXNOR0200, DNP3,master
  1. Resolution

No, as for the role of DNP3 master, we do support the multi-sessions to accommodate multi slaves communication.
However since slave address/local address at the application level has the lower preference compared with ip & port at transportation level, it would cause conflicts & instability if you assign the same ip & ports for different sessions.

In TCP/IP suite, the communication channel is occupied by the specific ip & specific port while the new request from same ip & port will be denied. So you will find the second session(although with different salve address/local address) could not get connected with the same ip & port.

The good practice is to divide the sessions on different ports under same ip address by which you could realize the two sessions communication.

