Customer is inquiring on how to upgrade firmware on Ethernet Gateway (EGX100/200/300/400) or Ethernet communication card (PM8ECC for PM800 Series meters, and ECC21 for CM3000 or CM4000 Series meters).
Product Line
PM8ECC (Ethernet Communication card for PM800 series meters)
ECC21 (Ethernet Communication card for CM4 or CM3 series meters)
Firmware Upgrade
It may be required to upgrade firmware on a Gateway or Ethernet Communication Card for enhancements.
*Warning: The firmware utilities listed here can cause permanent damage to your product if applied incorrectly. Before downloading any firmware updates, verify the firmware you are downloading is appropriate for the specific model number of your product. If you have any doubts, contact Technical Support for guidance.
To upgrade EGX100, EGX300 or PM8ECC via the command prompt:
1. Download the firmware using the links below and place it on your desktop
2. Open the command prompt (Start > run > type cmd and hit enter) - Note: depending on windows account one may need to right click on the icon and select run as administrator instead of hitting enter
3. Type FTP and hit enter
4. Type open followed by the IP Address of the gateway
5. Type user name and Hit Enter (The User name by default is Administrator) - Note: User name and password are case sensitive
6. Type password and hit enter. It will not show the password being typed (The password by default is Gateway)
7. Type send and press space, then drag the firmware from desktop to cmd window and hit enter.
8. After completion of the download, type quit at the ftp> prompt and press enter.
If firmware update completes successfully, you will see "Transfer Complete" and the number of bytes sent and time.
9. If the firmware comes with a .upd file , Disk Update file, repeat steps 1-8 and dragging the .upd file from the desktop this time. Make sure the EGX has been given time to reboot after upgrading with the .bin file.
To upgrade EGX200, EGX400 or ECC21 via the command prompt:
1. Download the firmware using the links below and place it on your desktop
2. Open the command prompt (Start > run > type cmd and hit enter). Note: depending on windows account one may need to right click on the icon and select run as administrator instead of hitting enter
3. Type FTP and hit enter
4. Type open followed by the IP Address of the gateway
5. When prompted for user name, Hit Enter for none (There is no username)
6. Type password and hit enter. It will not show the password being typed (The password by default is admin in lower case letters) - Note: password is case sensitive
7. Type send and press space, then drag the firmware from desktop to cmd window and hit enter
8. After completion of the download, type quit at the ftp> prompt and press enter.
You can also see the attached file which shows how to upgrade firmware in an ECC21 using FTP.
If firmware update completes successfully, you will see "Transfer Complete" and the number of bytes sent and time.
9. If the firmware comes with a .upd file , Disk Update file, repeat steps 1-8 and dragging the .upd file from the desktop this time. Make sure the EGX has been given time to reboot after upgrading with the .bin file.
If you take too long you may receive a message stating "Connection closed by remote host." This is a common error due to a time out that occurred. Simply start the process over to correct (Exit cmd and retry).
Download Firmware Packages:
The EGX400 and EGX200 firmware file is attached below as "". Also, the ECC21 latest firmware is attached.
Released for:Schneider Electric UK