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EOTE language import/export

  1. Export the language table to a tab delimited file (txt or csv)
  2. Excel, DataàFrom Text/CSV
  3. Select the Exported text file
  4. File Origin à 65001: Unicode (UTF-8), Délimiter à Tab
  5. Load button
  6. Modify language text as required
  7. Excel File à Save As à This PC
  8. “More options…” hyperlink
  9. Enter Filename and select folder location
  10. Save as type = Unicode text (*.txt)
  11. Bottom of dialog, Tools à Web Options
  12. Encoding à Unicode (UTF-8)
  13. OK
  14. Save
  15. If Presented with a dialog, OK
  16. Confirm file is UTF-8 by opening file in notepad first. Should show UTF-8 in bottom right corner of notepad window.
  17. Import into EOTE.

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