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Can the Class 8502 Type SAG__ contactor be converted to a 8536SAG__ starter by adding 9065SDO__ or 9065SSC__ overload relay and 9066SC1 external reset mechanism?
Can a NEMA Contactor be converted to a NEMA Starter adding the overload relay and external reset mechanism?
Product Line:
NEMA Type S Contactors & Starters
Type S Contactors and Starters
The contactor can be modified by adding the appropriate overload relay however there are no provisions provided within the enclosure cover for mounting the 9066SC1 external reset mechanism. While you can add overload relays to the size 00, size 0, and size 1 contactors, you cannot for the size 2 and above.
Can a NEMA Contactor be converted to a NEMA Starter adding the overload relay and external reset mechanism?
Product Line:
NEMA Type S Contactors & Starters
Type S Contactors and Starters
The contactor can be modified by adding the appropriate overload relay however there are no provisions provided within the enclosure cover for mounting the 9066SC1 external reset mechanism. While you can add overload relays to the size 00, size 0, and size 1 contactors, you cannot for the size 2 and above.
Released for:Schneider Electric Canada
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