Goals and Symptoms
The purpose of this resolution is to provide suggested corrective actions for error indications which are displayed in the STB configuration software Module Editor under the Diagnostics tab.
Causes and Fixes
Reference the attachment STB_Diagnostics_Tab. The Module Editor may be accessed by double clicking on an island module displayed in the STB configuration software workspace. Under the Module Editor Diagnostics tab are displayed errors reported by the selected module. This screen is available when the configuration software is connected to a physical island and running in Online mode. The Diagnostics tab is grayed out in the Offline mode.
(Removed File URL: 176413_B096/STB_Diagnostics_Tab.zip)(Removed Image URL: /PubResEXPORT.nsf/2b87ee90be777fc085257c28006ee4ef/51f74879cd3f8425c1257137005b9402/fl_block_5/0.13C6?OpenElement&FieldElemFormat=gif)
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL176413 V1.0, Originally authored by on , Last Edited by on
Related ranges: Advantys STB