* This firmware is intended only for a RoHs compliant170ENT11001s. A RoHs compliant 170ENT11001 is identified by adapters laser marked with an SV at v1.10 or higher. Non-Rohs versions will always have an Exec version less than 1.10. There are no other physical differences between the two adapters. The minimum version firmware for the RoHs 170ENT11001 is v1.10 and is not interchangeable with the non-Rohs version 170ENT11001’s. Future firmware updates for the RoHs ENT11001 will be versions greater than 1.10. Any non-RoHs firmware versions released in the future will always be less than 1.10. Please refer to the 170ENT11001 Firmware History for further details.
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170ENT11001 v1.30 Firmware History rev2.pdf
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