Acti9 iC40
Miniature Circuit Breakers up to 40 A Our new high performance modular system for final distribution, provides unmatched performance when it comes to installation simplification and speed, space saving as well as ease of maintenance and upgrading.View Products Clario / Librio / Prodis : iDPN, C40, DT40
neutral switching circuit-breakers -View Products iC60
Miniature Circuit Breakers up to 63 A Giving you absolute peace of mind when it comes to circuit protection and continuity of service, the miniature circuit breakers are especially ideal if you are working within polluted environments and networksView Products Launch Product Selector Acti9 C120
Miniature Circuit Breakers up to 125A Modular circuit-breakers up to 125 AView Products Launch Product Selector NG125
High performance miniature circuit-breakers High performance miniature circuit breakers up to 125AView Products Acti 9 iK60
Miniature circuit breaker up to 63A Miniature circuit breaker up to 63A Acti9 KView Products iC60 L-MA
Motor starter protection up to 40A Motor starter protection up to 40AView Products