ATV320 using assemblies 20 and 70 with Ethernet IP
Product Line:
ATV320 with Ethernet TCP/IP option card part number VW3A3616.
Setting up Ethernet IP using assemblies 20 and 70.
Suggest you use Somove and ATV320 DTM file to configure the ATV320 drive
PLC example setup:
Build a Generic Ethernet module configuration on the PLC side. Choose assemblies 20 and 70 for 2 words each.
20: Basic speed control output, size 2 words / 8 bytes
70: Basic speed control input, size 2 words / 8 bytes
The EtherNet/IP card translates the commands, behavior and monitoring information from of ODVA profile (on
the network) to the CiA402 profile (in the drive).
Setting up and programming the drive using Somove Software Example only.
Setting up the IP, subnet and gateway address
Programming the drive per case II example in the Programming manual
Commanding the drive to start, reset fault and speed control
1st word in the output table is the command word bit 0 =1 is run and bit 2 is fault reset
2nd word in the output table is the speed ref in rpms.
Reading Status from the drive like running, fault and motor speed.
1st word in the input table is the ETA Status word bit 0= fault and bit 2= Drive running
2nd word in the input table is the motor speed in rpms
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