A custom data recorder is not displayed in the list of ION Setup data log viewers.
Product Line
ION Setup
Viewing Custom Data Recorder
ION Setup only displays the default data log views for ION meters. If you add any custom data recorders to the meter, you must create a new .pml view table in order to view the data in those data recorders. The table needs to be manually updated.
1. Determine the RE number of the newly added data recorder. You do this by accessing the Advanced View mode and opening the Setup Registers tab of the data recorder:
2. Open the ION Setup default table under the following directory:
..\ION Setup\Tables\<meter type>\<Template Version>\Data Recorders
3. Make a copy of an existing .pml files (e.g., select the Revenue Log). Rename this copy to match the name of the custom data recorder.
4. You must replace two parameters in this file. Change the LOG parameter to the RE number of the custom data recorder. Change the LABEL parameter to match the label of the custom data recorder.
(R1 refers to row 1 of the table; C1 refers to column 1 of the table.)
5. Exit Advanced Setup mode and change the ION Setup view mode to Data Screens. The new view appears in the list.
An example of the above process for an ION7650 is given below:
1) Create a new data recorder on the ION7650. Take note of the label that you give this data recorder for use in step 6 below. Take note of its RE number for step 7.
2) Go into "C:\Program Files\Schneider Electric\ION Setup\Tables\PML7650\Version 2.2 Default\Data Recorders".
3) Copy a Revenue Log and paste it to the same folder. Rename it (suggested name NewLog.pml).
4) Ensure that the "Read only" property for this new file is unchecked.
5) Open the NewLog.pml file (created in step 3 above) with Notepad.
6) Change "LABEL=" property in the .pml text file to the name given to the data recorder.
7) Change the "LOG=" property in the .pml text file to the RE number of the new log module.
8) Change the "ROWS=" property in the .pml text file to 8640 (the default depth).
9) Exit Advanced Setup mode and change the ION Setup view mode to Data Screens. The new view should now appear in the list.
Publicado para:Schneider Electric Portugal