Product Line
Power Monitoring Expert 2021
EcoXtruxure Building Operation 3.2
Data Exchange / System Integration
EWS Server
Unable to display EWS data in EBO or any other application.
The application is able to connect to the PME EWS server but it is unable to display any data.
Proposed Solution
- First, ensure that EWS Server is enabled in PME - Configuring the EWS Server
- Update or create EWS login in PME - EWS Login
- Follow the steps to integrate PME/EBO as described in the PME system guide - Integration with EcoStruxure™ Building Operation (EBO)
- Use the EWS Client test to troubleshoot the connection between PME and EWS - FA269362
- Open the EWS web.config file located at PME\Applications\EWS - make sure to backup it before editing it
- find the line <wsdlExtensions location="http://localhost/EWS/DataExchange.svc" singleFile="True"/>
- change the localhost to be the PME server IP address or name
- save it, run iisreset in the command prompt (run as admin) and restart ION Application Modules Core service
For testing purpose:
1) Test the EWS URL in the application server and the client server: http://localhost/EWS/dataexchange.svc?wsdl
2) Tool step 4
Note: If the Client is running on the server where PME is installed, then “localhost” can be used. If PME is on a different server, then the IP address of that server must be used. Use the IP address or server name of the PME server in the address http://<IPaddress>or<servername>/EWS/dataexchange.svc?wsdl
it should return a page similar to:
Additional section
To enable EWS to connect using HTTPS - FA414893
Publicado para:Schneider Electric Portugal