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Extended Warranty Service Pack

The Extended Warranty Service Pack provides peace of mind and product failure protection beyond the original factory warranty period. Once the standard factory warranty for your UPS or accessory expires, should your product fail, you expose yourself to potential loss of power protection and costly out of pocket expenses for repairs. With the purchase of the Schneider Electric Extended Warranty Service Pack, you will experience a seamless extension of the standard factory warranty by one or three years, depending on Service Pack purchase. The Extended Warranty Service Pack provides repair or replacement of your product and even covers your battery. The Extended Warranty Service Pack online registrants receive many benefits, such as 24x7 Schneider Electric Customer Service support, a dedicated Service Pack toll free number and professional priority call handling.The Extended Warranty Service Pack can be purchased at any time during the original factory warranty period of the product and can provide you with up to six years (1) of maximum coverage.

Datum: 25 јануар 2021 | Tip: Izjava o radu
Jezici: Engleski | Verzija: 2.0
Oznake dokumenata: SPD_KGRN-79YTLX_EN


Ime datoteke
_KGRN-79YTLX--Extended Warranties Service Pack.pdf

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