The maximum number of motion control modules (BMXMSP0200) and/or counter modules (BMXEHC0200, BMXEHC0800) is
limited to 36 configured channels, which include the integrated serial link (except for the BMXP342030 and BMXP3420302 processors,
they do not have a serial port). Adding additional racks does not change this number.
1. BMXMSP0200 has up to two channels that can be configured
2. BMXEHC0200 has up to two channels that can be configured
3. BMXEHC0800 has up to eight channels that can be configured
Example 1:
With a BMXP342000 you will have 35 channels available (one is used by the serial port).
Possible configurations:
- five BMXEHC0800 modules with 35 channels configured, 5 channels not configured (8+8+8+8+3=35 channels)
- four BMXEHC0800 modules (all channels configured, 4x8=32 channels) + one BMXMSP0200 (2 channels configured) + one
BMXEHC0200 (only one channel configured). Total channels: 32+2+1=35 channels
Example 2:
With a BMXP342030 you will have 36 channels available
Possible configurations:
- five BMXEHC0800 modules with 36 channels configured, 4 channels not configured (8+8+7+7+6=36 channels)
- four BMXEHC0800 modules (all channels configured, 4x8=32 channels) + one BMXMSP0200 (2 channels configured) + one
BMXEHC0200 (2 channels configured). Total channels: 32+2+2=36 channels
Publicerad för:Schneider Electric Sverige