Only the configured master can collect events generated in a SCADAPack E. Sometimes it is necessary to check to see how many events you may have in the SCADAPack E, or you may want to use the event count in logic applications for control purposes. There are two main methods used to check the amount of events in a SCADAPack E. These are through the command line interface or by looking at system points.
Command Line Interface
You can access the command line interface through different methods. This includes Telnet, a serial port configured as “command line” or by using the Virtual Command Line (Virtual Terminal) in E Series Configurator. The example below will use the Virtual Terminal method.
If you have a valid DNP3 connection to a SCADAPack E, the Virtual Command line can be opened by the drop down menu “Transfer -> Remote Command Line” or by clicking on the icon in the tool bar as shown below.
At the command prompt, type “Status Events”. You will get the current uptime, IEC-61131-3 resource activity, general status information and a list of the events for each DNP3 object type as seen in the image below.
If at any time you would like the clear all of the events in the SCADAPack (DNP3 protocol only, does not clear IEC 60870-5 events), you can type “Clear Events” at the command line prompt. Typically, you will reserve this command for testing purposes only. DNP3 historical events are used for reporting purposes. If events are cleared without a master station confirmation, then unexpected data loss will be expected.
System Points
You can also view the events for each DNP3 data type in a SCADAPack E by looking at the read-only system points. There are system points for each configured master station. This example will only review Master station 1 DNP3 events. The values in the system points will be 16-bit Integer values. Since they are read only, you cannot configure these to be points in the SCADAPack E Database. In other words, they cannot be placed in a class to be polled from a Master station.
Below is a list of the system points for DNP3 object type events for Master station 1. The complete list can be found in the technical help manuals installed with SCADAPack E Configurator.
58000 Binary Input Event Count
58001 Counter Input Event Count
58002 Analog Input Event Count
58003 Float Input Event Count
58004 Binary Output Event Count
58005 Analog Output Event Count
58006 Float Output Event Count
58007 Binary Output Command Event Count
58008 Analog Output Command Event Count
58009 Float Output Command Event Count
You can view these points by looking at them in the point browser. Put the point number for the corresponding DNP3 datatype as in the image below. You will select the point to be “Analog Input” in the point browser. Once you click the read button, you will be able to see the event counts.
If you would like to use these points in a IEC-61131-3 SCADAPack Workbench logic application, you can use GETPNTSS function blocks in SCADAPack Workbench to read the system points. The result of the function block will show the events for that particular DNP3 data type. See example below.
More information can be found in the SCADAPack E Technical Help manuals installed with E Series Utilities.
Command Line Interface
You can access the command line interface through different methods. This includes Telnet, a serial port configured as “command line” or by using the Virtual Command Line (Virtual Terminal) in E Series Configurator. The example below will use the Virtual Terminal method.
If you have a valid DNP3 connection to a SCADAPack E, the Virtual Command line can be opened by the drop down menu “Transfer -> Remote Command Line” or by clicking on the icon in the tool bar as shown below.
At the command prompt, type “Status Events”. You will get the current uptime, IEC-61131-3 resource activity, general status information and a list of the events for each DNP3 object type as seen in the image below.
If at any time you would like the clear all of the events in the SCADAPack (DNP3 protocol only, does not clear IEC 60870-5 events), you can type “Clear Events” at the command line prompt. Typically, you will reserve this command for testing purposes only. DNP3 historical events are used for reporting purposes. If events are cleared without a master station confirmation, then unexpected data loss will be expected.
System Points
You can also view the events for each DNP3 data type in a SCADAPack E by looking at the read-only system points. There are system points for each configured master station. This example will only review Master station 1 DNP3 events. The values in the system points will be 16-bit Integer values. Since they are read only, you cannot configure these to be points in the SCADAPack E Database. In other words, they cannot be placed in a class to be polled from a Master station.
Below is a list of the system points for DNP3 object type events for Master station 1. The complete list can be found in the technical help manuals installed with SCADAPack E Configurator.
58000 Binary Input Event Count
58001 Counter Input Event Count
58002 Analog Input Event Count
58003 Float Input Event Count
58004 Binary Output Event Count
58005 Analog Output Event Count
58006 Float Output Event Count
58007 Binary Output Command Event Count
58008 Analog Output Command Event Count
58009 Float Output Command Event Count
You can view these points by looking at them in the point browser. Put the point number for the corresponding DNP3 datatype as in the image below. You will select the point to be “Analog Input” in the point browser. Once you click the read button, you will be able to see the event counts.
If you would like to use these points in a IEC-61131-3 SCADAPack Workbench logic application, you can use GETPNTSS function blocks in SCADAPack Workbench to read the system points. The result of the function block will show the events for that particular DNP3 data type. See example below.
More information can be found in the SCADAPack E Technical Help manuals installed with E Series Utilities.
Publicerad för:Schneider Electric Sverige