Answer |
Issue What is the purpose of the 'Manual Setting Require Reset' field' in the Ethernet Diagnostics DTM window? Product Line BMENOC301, BMENOC0311 Environment Windows 10, Unity Resolution The DTM Ethernet Diagnostics window for the 'BMENOC03xx' shows a line labeled 'Manual Settings Require Reset'. the Unity help does not provide enough information about the displayed message returned by the module. |
This text field has two possible values for each Ethernet port:
- If there is an Ethernet link on that port, then the message reads: “Devices require a reset service to be issued to its Identity object in order for the changes to take effect”
- If there is no Ethernet link on that port, then the message reads: “Interface can activate changes to link parameters automatically”
This text refers to the behavior of the CIP TCP/IP Interface object, class code 0x5F. This CIP object is used if you want to manually change the IP parameters of the device/port (IP address, duplex, baudrate, etc). If the port has a link when you change the parameters, you have to issue a soft reset to the module in order to apply the changes. If the port does not have a link when you change the parameters, then the new parameters will be applied when the port becomes link up, and no soft reset is required.
The mention of “…reset service…to its Identity Object…” refers to how you would issue a soft reset after changing IP parameters. The Identity object is CIP object class code 0x01. Here is an extract from the CIP specification:
Publicerad för:Schneider Electric Sverige