I'm having trouble getting Diagnostics working with Trio J Series radios. What am I missing?
Setting up the computer
- Navigate to the computer’s network port setup and select the TCP/IPv4 dialog. Ensure the computer is set to a Static IP address, similar to that shown below.
Setting up the gateway radio
- In the Access Point radio, or whichever radio which you are directly connecting your PC to (this is called the eDiags Gateway radio), go into Setup, then eDiag Setup and enable eDiags. Enter the IP address of your computer (must match the address entered above), then click the Activate Changes button.
Ensure you only enable eDiags in ONE radio at a time. It won't break the network if you enable it in more than one, but will cause some extra unnecessary chatter on the radio system which is not desirable. If you later run eDiags using another radio as the entry point, you must disable eDiags in the first radio, enable it in the second, then go into the TView Database entry for each radio and change the IP address to the new radio. |
Setting up TView diagnostics database
- Open TView Management Suite, then select the Diagnostics software package.
- Click No if asked you whether you want to open a previously-used database. (unless you DO want to open that previously-created database!)
- Go to the Settings menu then to eDiags Port Settings. Enter the IP address used by the LAN port of your computer again here. Some computers have more than one LAN card, so we must specify the appropriate port. Note the IP port number is 1040, same as in the radio. Leave this as-is. Click Apply Changes then Exit.
- Go to the File menu, then New. Select a location to save your radio database and give it a name that means something to you and the system being tested. Then click Save.
- This opens the Database Setup dialog where you enter all your radios.
- Enter the Access Point first. Type its name and serial number. You MUST know the serial numbers. Each radio’s serial number is printed on the label on its under-side. If the radios are already installed, you can find the serial numbers by opening the saved cfg files with a program such as WordPad or Excel. Each radio's serial number is in there. (you DID save each radio’s config file in a safe place didn’t you?)
- Specify the radio model and configuration eg J Series Access Point. For other radios it'll be J Series Remote or Bridge. If a Bridge, it may be a single or dual antenna type.
- Select the eDiags (Ethernet) communication port. Enter the IP address of the radio you're directly connected to, and on which you have enabled the eDiags feature.
- If desired you may change any of the Alarm limits. For example you may be using a 24 volt power supply, so the range might be 23 to 25 volts.
- Click the Apply Changes To Database button, then click Add New to add more radios.
- Change the radio type to Remote or Bridge as needed. Also ensure you leave the eDiags IP address the same for all radios. Do NOT enter each radio's own IP address. In all cases, leave it at the IP address of the radio that has eDiags configured, and to which your computer is directly connected.
- When done adding radios, click Exit.
Monitoring the diagnostics
- Click the Group Poll button. (looks like three people standing in a small group) This will poll each radio in the system one after another. Any alarms show up at the bottom. Alarms can be acknowledged/cleared with buttons at the top. To change polling interval, go to the Settings menu, then Polling Setup.
- Disable Group Polling by de-selecting the same button. Then click Individual Poll. Select a Remote radio to poll. then click Toggle to turn on polling. You'll get a nice bar graph of values. When done, toggle polling off and exit.
- Go into the Tools menu then Statistical Performance. You'll see the second tab is the packet error test. Select a remote radio and start polling. It will run until you click Finish.
- You can then click the Commissioning Report button to get a nice report you can print.
- Go to the Data Logging menu and select View Trend – J and K Series. Select the desired radio. Drag the pointer at the bottom across to see parameters recorded at specific times and dates.
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