From the hardware catalog manager, with the ATV71, it is possible to create a CANopen function, while having the possibility of modifying the type of I/O object defined by default for the register indexes such as for example (ex: ETA status word which is defined by default as %QW can be changed to %IW). To do this, here is an example of the steps for creating a CANopen function for the ATV71 from A to Z :
A. Launch the Hardware Catalog Manager and go to the CANopen tab
B. Using the right mouse button, click on the ATV71_V1_1 device then Select Add function
C. In the window that is displayed, check the Expert mode box to access the expert mode configuration parameters and then give a name to the function, ensuring that it is unique in the device. In the General tab, with a right mouse click in the interface language column, check or uncheck the variables you want to make available in the function so that it can be used in the program. By default, all variables are checked. So to reduce the amount of memory needed by the function, it is useful to deselect variables that are not required.
D. Then go to the PDO Mapping tab
E. To modify the type of a variable, all you have to do is position the mouse cursor in the Type tab of a variable in the right part of the window. Thus with a right click on a variable, it is possible to modify the default type via a drop-down list (%I or %Q)
F. To assign variables to PDOs, drag and drop from the variables window to PDOs. However certain rules must be respected:
The variable and the PDO must have the same type:
- A %I variable can only be mapped on a transmit PDO
- A %Q variable can only be mapped on a receive PDO
G. After clicking OK and returning to the home window, click the Build Catalog button
H. After the Build Catalog, the created function can now be used on Control-Expert. Now the new function created is visible in the drop-down list of functions available from the CANopen slave configuration editor (ATV71_V1_1) in Control Expert.
Product Line
CANopen Function, ATV71
Windows, Hardware Catalog Manager