Proceduren finns beskriven i manualen SX-SRVR Security Expert - Client Server - Installation Guide.pdf som återfinns på Partnerportalen.
På klientdatorn måste mjukvaran finnas samt även SSN innan installationen påbörjas.
Nätverksportar måste vara öppna innan mjukvaruinstallationen påbörjas, manualen SX-SRVR Security Expert - Networking Administrator Guide - Reference Guide.pdf på Partnerportalen beskriver detta.
Installationsmanualen Sid 18 beskriver klientinstallation:
Installing the Security Expert Client on Remote Workstations
The Security Expert client is automatically installed as part of the server installation and does not need to be installed if the server components have already been installed on the machine.
The following steps need to be performed on additional operator workstations.
Installing the Security Expert Client Application:
1. Run the supplied setup.exe file.
This launches the Security Expert install wizard. Click Next to continue.
2. Read and accept the license agreement, then click Next.
3. Enter your registration information, including your name, company, and product serial number. Click Next to continue.
4. Click Next to install to the default folder, or click Change to choose another location.
5. Choose the Custom setup type and click Next. This enables you to select the program features that will be installed.
6. Click the Server option and select This feature will not be available. The server component is removed from the list of features to be installed.
7. Click Next to enable or disable Windows Authentication for the Security Expert server/client communications and configure the WCF TCP/IP ports. You can use the default WCF TCP/IP port, or customize the port used by clearing the setting to use the default option and entering the new TCP/IP Port. This option should be changed where another application on the target machine uses the default port, as this will prevent the services from starting.
8. Click Install to begin installation.
9. Click Finish to complete the installation and exit the Install Wizard.
Publicerad för:Schneider Electric Sverige