Why does an SRT unit with an XLW suffix report a Site Wiring Fault?
SRT5KRMXLW-HW, SRT3000XLW-IEC, SRT3000RMXLW-IEC, SRT3000RMXLW, SRT3000RMXLW installed in a 208 US environment
The XLW suffix from the units mentioned means
XL - capable of having external batteries
W - for worldwide deployment
The SRT's with a W on its suffix is a unit that can be deployed globally. These units are capable of 208 HHG (2 hots and a Ground) or 230 HNG (1 hot, a neutral, and a ground) input.
If this unit is set to 230 HNG then it is expecting a Neutral to be in place where the neutral should be less than 5 VAC. If installed in the US where single phase high voltage equates to 208, it will detect one of the legs as greater than 5 VAC and will assume it is an overloaded neutral hence it will show that error. These units are preset to 230 Vac which means it will expect HNG with a normal voltage of international 230 Vac.
The solution is to properly set the voltage via the screen to 208 if installed in North America or with a Country using a similar circuit / voltage.
Publicerad för:Schneider Electric Sverige