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Podoba osebe ComX210v2-1-18_Firmware_EBX210

ComX210v2-1-18_Firmware_EBX210 Ta dokument je posodobljen, vendar se lahko nanaša na zastarele izdelke.

Com’X firmware upgrade to address bug fixes. Updates: Com’X 200/210. Known Issues: 1. After upgrading to V2.1.18 from a previous version, the Com’X occasionally fails to communicate to configured Zigbee devices on its first startup. To correct this, cycle the power to the Com’X or press “Restart” on the Maintenance > System Settings page. This is not a reoccurring issue. 2. After upgrading to V2.1.18 from a previous version, measurements selected for publication are cleared. To continue to publish, the measurement selections must be reselected. Corrections: 1. Corrected issue where after an upgrade to V2.1.17, the Local IDs defaulted to 1, causing loss of communications to devices. 2. Corrected issue where after an upgrade to V2.1.17, changing Local IDs in the Settings > Modbus Gateway > Device IDs page caused the device to be removed or communications lost. Com’X 510 Corrections: 1. Corrected the issue of excessive time to load the Measurement Table for the CM4000 and CM3000 variants, which also reduced the gateway bandwidth. 2. Corrected issue where the data series in the 4 Weeks over 4 Weeks energy dashboard reports inaccurate Date/Time values when the time zone is configured with a positive offset. 3. Updated the onboard User Manual to the correct 2.1 version.

Datum: 29 jan. 2016 | Tip: Firmware (Vgrajena programska oprema)
jeziki: Angleško | verzija: v2.1.18
Referenca dokumenta: ComX210v2-1-18_Firmware_EBX210


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