The ATV68 is currently replaced by the the ATV600 and ATV900 series drives, for completeness below are the details for replacement of an ATV68 with an ATV61/71.
For ATV68 to ATV 600 or ATV900
The ATV61/71, drives, now superseded by the ATV600 and 900 series, and way that these drives are selected is different to the previous ranges of drives as they are now a process drive. On the process drive you need to select the drive based on the application that the drive is to be applied to, pumps /fans or a machine tool / hoisting drive, and then the power rating from either the standard or heavy duty modes of the drive. Therefore it is difficult to do a direct comparison from the old range to the new range of drives.
For ATV68 to ATV61/71
There are two possible replacements as the ATV68 could be used on High Torque applications or on Standard Torque applications so listed below are the possible replacements
Three Phase Supply 400.....500V 50/60H
High Torque Applications (150% Tn)
ATV68C10N4 ATV71HD75N4
ATV68C13N4 ATV71HD90N4
ATV68C15N4 ATV71HC11N4
ATV68C19N4 ATV71HC13N4
ATV68C23N4 ATV71HC16N4
ATV68C28N4 ATV71HC20N4
ATV68C33N4 ATV71HC25N4
ATV68C43N4 ATV71HC31N4
ATV68C53N4 ATV71HC40N4
ATV68C63N4 ATV71HC50N4
ATV68FC10N4 ATV71HD75N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC13N4 ATV71HD90N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC15N4 ATV71HC11N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC19N4 ATV71HC13N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC23N4 ATV71HC16N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC28N4 ATV71HC20N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC33N4 ATV71HC25N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC43N4 ATV71HC31N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC53N4 ATV71HC40N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC63N4 ATV71HC50N4 With Encoder card
Standard Torque Applications (120% Tn)
ATV68C10N4 ATV61HD90N4
ATV68C13N4 ATV61HC11N4
ATV68C15N4 ATV61HC13N4
ATV68C19N4 ATV61HC16N4
ATV68C23N4 ATV61HC20N4
ATV68C28N4 ATV61HC25N4
ATV68C33N4 ATV61HC31N4
ATV68C43N4 ATV61HC40N4
ATV68C53N4 ATV61HC50N4
ATV68C63N4 ATV61HC63N4
ATV68FC10N4 ATV71HD75N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC13N4 ATV71HD90N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC15N4 ATV71HC11N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC19N4 ATV71HC13N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC23N4 ATV71HC16N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC28N4 ATV71HC20N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC33N4 ATV71HC25N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC43N4 ATV71HC31N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC53N4 ATV71HC40N4 With Encoder card
ATV68FC63N4 ATV71HC50N4 With Encoder card
Released for:Schneider Electric UK