Significant technical changes as follows:
All contactors in the range pre 2001 (D2) required that the auxiliaries be specified in the part number. Post 2001 (Tesys D) all contactors incorporate 1 NO and 1 NC as standard, therefore that element of the part number was removed, e.g. LC1D0910 became LC1D09 (plus coil voltage code)
Pneumatic timers and add on auxiliary contacts remain compatible though part numbers changed to indicate the change of model range
9A to 38A
2001 Major redesign and introduction of the 38A version
Pre 2001 overload will not fit new contactor. New overload must be selected from the LRD** range.
Mechanical interlock design changed. Tesys D cannot be interlocked to D2.
Suppressor attachment changed, now a clip on module which attaches in a recess on RH side without increasing overall width of unit.
There is no longer an A2 coil connection on top of contactor. However, an adaptor LAD4BB is available to provide a top mount A2 connection. This adaptor uses the same connection points as the the clip on suppressors so it is not possible to fit both suppressor and adaptor, therefore there are versions of this adaptor available with built in coil suppressors.
DC contactors now smaller than the D2 DC version, though still slightly larger than the AC versions
All DC contactors include coil suppression.
These are also available with "Green" coils, which are electronic wide-band coils
These are also available with "Green" coils, which are electronic wide-band coils
40A to 65A
2001 Cosmetic upgrade to more closely match the new Tesys D 9-38A range in appearance. Compatibility with D2 range not affected.
2009 Total redesign indicated by the addition of the letter A after the Current Rating, eg LC1D50U7 becomes LC1D50AU7.
Pre 2009 overload will not fit new contactor. New overload must be selected from the LRD3** range.
Much smaller than previous models. DC contactors now the same size as AC and incorporate suppression.
The Everlink system introduced special screw terminals, which once correctly tightened will not need retightening.
New mechanical interlock, no compatibility with earlier models. When replacing one of an interlocked pair of pre 2009 models it will be necessary to replace both and the interlock itself
Additional suppressors are now a plug in module which fits into the front face of the contactor.
There is no longer an A2 coil connection on top of contactor. However, an adaptor LAD4BB3 is available to provide a top mount A2 connection.
Now directly compatible with the GV3 series of breakers and overloads, no longer requiring an adaptor for assembly
These are also available with "Green" coils, which are electronic wide-band coils
80A to 150A
Cosmetic update in 2001, Compatibility with D2 models not affected.
Cross Reference
Attached is a cross reference to the Tesys D Contactors and Overloads
NOTE that all Tesys D contactors have gone through a colour change process, and are now black/green. You can see an example below.
NEW Colours
Released for:Schneider Electric UK