Need to convert 8903 type L or type LX contacts to normally closed from normally open
Product Line:
NEMA and Definite Purpose Contactors and Starters
8903 Type L/LX Lighting contactors
Would like to change contacts on the 8903 type L or type LX from NO to NC.
The contacts can be converted individually. Up to 8 contacts can be field converted to normally closed on the Electrically held device, only 6 max can be converted on the Mechanically held device. If a contactor with more than 8 normally closed contacts is required, it may be obtained by ordering it from the factory. The instructions on how to convert the contacts can be found in the attached instruction bulletins.
Need to convert 8903 type L or type LX contacts to normally closed from normally open
Product Line:
NEMA and Definite Purpose Contactors and Starters
8903 Type L/LX Lighting contactors
Would like to change contacts on the 8903 type L or type LX from NO to NC.
The contacts can be converted individually. Up to 8 contacts can be field converted to normally closed on the Electrically held device, only 6 max can be converted on the Mechanically held device. If a contactor with more than 8 normally closed contacts is required, it may be obtained by ordering it from the factory. The instructions on how to convert the contacts can be found in the attached instruction bulletins.