What are the protective functions (alarms) to show with programmable contacts?
Product Line:
Molded Case and Air Circuit Breakers
Alarms can be enabled or disabled for protection or load shedding. When an alarm occurs, an entry is made in the alarm log. The following features are available:
1. Ir Long-time pickup
2. Ii Instantaneous pickup
3. Isd Short-time pickup
4. I Ground-fault current
5. AI Ground-fault alarm
6. Iunbal Current unbalanced
7. Iamax Phase A demand overcurrent
8. Ibmax Phase B demand overcurrent
9. Icmax Phase C demand overcurrent
10. Inmax Neutral demand overcurrent
11. Vmin Voltage is below set minimum
12. Vmax Voltage is above set maximum
13. Vunbal Voltage unbalanced
14. rPmax Reversed power
15. Fmin frequency is below set minimum
16. Fmax Frequency is above set maximum
17. Phase rotation
18. Ished Current shedding
19. Pshed Power shedding
20. Not Selected No alarms selected
What are the protective functions (alarms) to show with programmable contacts?
Product Line:
Molded Case and Air Circuit Breakers
Alarms can be enabled or disabled for protection or load shedding. When an alarm occurs, an entry is made in the alarm log. The following features are available:
1. Ir Long-time pickup
2. Ii Instantaneous pickup
3. Isd Short-time pickup
4. I Ground-fault current
5. AI Ground-fault alarm
6. Iunbal Current unbalanced
7. Iamax Phase A demand overcurrent
8. Ibmax Phase B demand overcurrent
9. Icmax Phase C demand overcurrent
10. Inmax Neutral demand overcurrent
11. Vmin Voltage is below set minimum
12. Vmax Voltage is above set maximum
13. Vunbal Voltage unbalanced
14. rPmax Reversed power
15. Fmin frequency is below set minimum
16. Fmax Frequency is above set maximum
17. Phase rotation
18. Ished Current shedding
19. Pshed Power shedding
20. Not Selected No alarms selected