User wants to setup or configure set point alarms/relays on a PowerLogic CM2000 series meter
Product Line:
CM2000 series meters
Set point Alarms
User would like to be notified when certain events or set points are tripped by various meter values
This procedure demonstrates "normal" mode Circuit Monitor relay operation. "Normal" mode
means that the associated alarm or the alarm/relay combination stays on as long as the condition
driving it is true, and then it turns off as soon as the condition is no longer true. "Timed" and "latched"
modes of relay output operation are available with different procedure.
1. Enter [Setup] Mode.
2. Choose the Alarm/Relay (AL.rLy) option.
3. Select an alarm number to configure.
4. Define the required alarm/relay configuration items (priority level, pickup setpoint, pickup delay, and so on).
5. Choose to enable the desired relay
6. Press the mode button one time
7. When prompted with a No, change the No to a yes by pressing the blue up arrow. This will allow you to save changes.
8. Press the Enter key or Phase selector key.
9. Now you are back to the main AL.rly mode
10. Press the mode key to return to the meters mode.
Note: The pickup and dropout set points and time delays do not apply for some alarms (e.g. code 78.
S4 input status transition). In this type of alarms, the Circuit Monitor will ignore these settings.
*See the spreadsheet attachment to view all of the alarm codes
*See FA218366for recommended settings for each alarm