Troubleshooting tab does not show under Device Diagnostics in ION Setup
Product Line:
ION Setup 3.0
ION devices do not immediately display the Troubleshooting tab under Device Diagnostics in ION Setup
The device diagnostic window has three tabs are as follows: Communication >> General >> Troubleshooting
To access "Troubleshooting", you must hold CTRL then left click on the Device Diagnostics icon. This will open the Device Diagnostics window with all three tabs available.
Device Diagnostics shown without Troubleshooting Tab
Device Diagnostics highlighted
Device Diagnostics after CTRL + Left Click on Device Diagnostics icon
Troubleshooting tab does not show under Device Diagnostics in ION Setup
Product Line:
ION Setup 3.0
ION devices do not immediately display the Troubleshooting tab under Device Diagnostics in ION Setup
The device diagnostic window has three tabs are as follows: Communication >> General >> Troubleshooting
To access "Troubleshooting", you must hold CTRL then left click on the Device Diagnostics icon. This will open the Device Diagnostics window with all three tabs available.
Device Diagnostics shown without Troubleshooting Tab
Device Diagnostics highlighted
Device Diagnostics after CTRL + Left Click on Device Diagnostics icon