This is an example of a mimic script to check if a particular process is running. When execute, an input box would be displayed prompting the user to enter the full name of the process to be checked. For example, for Internet Explorer, one needs to enter "iexplore.exe" (without the quotation marks) into the input box.
This sample program is intended to demonstrate one or more programming functions or methods and is presented as programming example only. Schneider Electric assumes no liability for the use or application of this example program or any portion thereof.
This is an example of a mimic script to check if a particular process is running. When execute, an input box would be displayed prompting the user to enter the full name of the process to be checked. For example, for Internet Explorer, one needs to enter "iexplore.exe" (without the quotation marks) into the input box.
Sub CheckProc
Dim i
Dim strComputer
Dim FindProc
strComputer = "."
FindProc = inputbox("Enter process name","Information required")
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2")
Set colProcessList = objWMIService.ExecQuery _
("Select Name from Win32_Process WHERE Name LIKE '" & FindProc & "%'")
If colProcessList.count>0 Then
msgbox (FindProc & " is running")
msgbox (FindProc & " is not running")
End if
Set objWMIService = Nothing
Set colProcessList = Nothing
End Sub
Released for:Schneider Electric USA