Process to discover a NetBotz 300, 400, or 500 series appliance into StruxureWare Data Center Expert.
Product Line
StruxureWare Data Center Expert (DCE)
- Basic Appliance (AP9465)
- Standard Appliance (AP9470)
- Enterprise Appliance (AP9475)
- Virtual Appliance (AP94VMACT)
StruxureWare Central (SWC)
InfraStruXure Central (ISXC)
NetBotz v3 Wall Appliance: 355/356 (NBWL0355/6) & 455/456 (NBWL0455/6)
NetBotz v3 Rack Appliance: 450/451 (NBRK0450/1), 550 (NBRK0550), & 570 (NBRK0570)
StruxureWare Data Center Expert (all versions)
NetBotz 300-500 Series Appliance (all firmware versions)
See additional knowledge bases for discovering different other types of devices:
- Video: Data Center Expert | Device Discovery for APC Devices using SNMPv1
- Data Center Expert | Device Discovery for APC Devices using SNMPv3
- Data Center Expert | Discovering a NetBotz 200 Series Appliance
- Data Center Expert | Discovering a NetBotz 700 Series Appliance
- Data Center Expert | Discovering a ModbusTCP device
- Video: Data Center Expert | Device Discovery for Third-Party Devices using SNMP
- BACnet is currently not supported
Discovering a NetBotz 300-500 Series Appliance
1) Log into the DCE Desktop Client using an Administrator account.
2) Device menu > Add Devices...
3) Select the Device Discovery Type of NetBotz Appliance and click Next.
4) Enter the IP or the IP Range. IP Range can be expressed using wildcards (10.10.10.*) or dashes (
NOTE: It is recommended to limit the number of IPs that are scanned. The larger the number of IPs that need to be scanned will lead to longer device discovery times.
5) Enter the Port that the NetBotz Appliance is configured to use. Default for HTTP is 80. Default for HTTPS is 443.
6) Select the Security Mode for your setup.
7) Click on the NetBotz Appliance Credentials button.
8) Ensure that there is an entry for the credentials of the NetBotz Appliance. These credentials are used by all NetBotz 300-500 & 700 series appliances for communication to DCE. Changing the credentials of an existing line item could affect communication between another NetBotz Appliance and DCE. Click OK once finished to return to the Device Discovery screen and then click Next.
9) Select the Device Group to discover the NetBotz Appliance into and then click Next.
10) If this is a discovery that you would like to re-run on a weekly basis, select the check box for Enable Discovery Scheduling, check a box for a day, and set the discovery time.
NOTE: This is usually used if you would like to scan a specific subnet for added devices that utilize the same credentials as defined within the discovery settings.
NOTE: It is not recommended to use this option with an extremely large IP range due to the amount of system resources it takes to run such a large discovery.
11) Check the Box for Run Discovery Now and click Finish.
12) The Saved Discoveries pane will appear (may already have been on the screen). Within the list, find your discovery, wait for the Activity status to go to Idle. The Last Rune date should have a valid date/time within it.
NOTE: If the Last Rune date says Never, the check box was not checked in step 11. Right-click on the line and click Run to run the discovery now.
13) If the discovery was successful, the device will show within: Monitoring Perspective > Select Group within Device Groups > Device View pane.
NOTE: If you are unable to locate the device, click on All Devices within the Device Groups pane, and then search for the IP address within the Device View Pane.
If the device is still not listed, the device discovery was unsuccessful, proceed to Troubleshooting NetBotz Appliance 300-500 Series Device Discovery.
Troubleshooting NetBotz 300-500 Series Discovery
1) Log into DCE's web interface and click on Status in the upper-right.
2) Under Additional Information select Troubleshoot Network and click Submit.
3) Under Function select Ping. Enter the IP Address of the NetBotz Appliance under Target Host and click Submit.
4) If the packet loss within the ping statistics section is at 100%, DCE is unable to ping the NetBotz Appliance over the network. This usually indicates that the IP Address used is not active on the network.
NOTE: Your network team should be able to tell you if ICMP traffic is blocked on the network, but on most networks it is available for use.
Example of a successful ping:

Example of an unsuccessful ping:
5) Download and install the Advanced View Application. Instructions for this can be found in knowledge base NetBotz 300-500 Series | Downloading and Installing the Advanced View Management Software
6) Log into the NetBotz Appliance using the Advanced View Application. If you are unable to log in, follow the steps in knowledge base NetBotz v3 | How do I configure network settings? to set an IP address on the appliance.
7) Under Appliance Settings, double-click on Network Interfaces.
8) Verify that the Subnet mask and gateway are correct and click OK.
NOTE: The IP Address listed is used during the discovery section, but an incorrect subnet mask or gateway can prevent certain network communication.
9) Under Appliance Settings, double-click on Web Server.
10) Ensure that the desired port and protocols are selected and click OK.
NOTE: These should correlate to the Port and Security Mode used for the device discovery.
11) Follow the steps again in the Discovering a NetBotz 300-500 Series Appliance section.
Process to discover a NetBotz 300, 400, or 500 series appliance into StruxureWare Data Center Expert.
Product Line
StruxureWare Data Center Expert (DCE)
- Basic Appliance (AP9465)
- Standard Appliance (AP9470)
- Enterprise Appliance (AP9475)
- Virtual Appliance (AP94VMACT)
StruxureWare Central (SWC)
InfraStruXure Central (ISXC)
NetBotz v3 Wall Appliance: 355/356 (NBWL0355/6) & 455/456 (NBWL0455/6)
NetBotz v3 Rack Appliance: 450/451 (NBRK0450/1), 550 (NBRK0550), & 570 (NBRK0570)
StruxureWare Data Center Expert (all versions)
NetBotz 300-500 Series Appliance (all firmware versions)
See additional knowledge bases for discovering different other types of devices:
- Video: Data Center Expert | Device Discovery for APC Devices using SNMPv1
- Data Center Expert | Device Discovery for APC Devices using SNMPv3
- Data Center Expert | Discovering a NetBotz 200 Series Appliance
- Data Center Expert | Discovering a NetBotz 700 Series Appliance
- Data Center Expert | Discovering a ModbusTCP device
- Video: Data Center Expert | Device Discovery for Third-Party Devices using SNMP
- BACnet is currently not supported
Discovering a NetBotz 300-500 Series Appliance
1) Log into the DCE Desktop Client using an Administrator account.
2) Device menu > Add Devices...
3) Select the Device Discovery Type of NetBotz Appliance and click Next.
4) Enter the IP or the IP Range. IP Range can be expressed using wildcards (10.10.10.*) or dashes (
NOTE: It is recommended to limit the number of IPs that are scanned. The larger the number of IPs that need to be scanned will lead to longer device discovery times.
5) Enter the Port that the NetBotz Appliance is configured to use. Default for HTTP is 80. Default for HTTPS is 443.
6) Select the Security Mode for your setup.
7) Click on the NetBotz Appliance Credentials button.
8) Ensure that there is an entry for the credentials of the NetBotz Appliance. These credentials are used by all NetBotz 300-500 & 700 series appliances for communication to DCE. Changing the credentials of an existing line item could affect communication between another NetBotz Appliance and DCE. Click OK once finished to return to the Device Discovery screen and then click Next.
9) Select the Device Group to discover the NetBotz Appliance into and then click Next.
10) If this is a discovery that you would like to re-run on a weekly basis, select the check box for Enable Discovery Scheduling, check a box for a day, and set the discovery time.
NOTE: This is usually used if you would like to scan a specific subnet for added devices that utilize the same credentials as defined within the discovery settings.
NOTE: It is not recommended to use this option with an extremely large IP range due to the amount of system resources it takes to run such a large discovery.
11) Check the Box for Run Discovery Now and click Finish.
12) The Saved Discoveries pane will appear (may already have been on the screen). Within the list, find your discovery, wait for the Activity status to go to Idle. The Last Rune date should have a valid date/time within it.
NOTE: If the Last Rune date says Never, the check box was not checked in step 11. Right-click on the line and click Run to run the discovery now.
13) If the discovery was successful, the device will show within: Monitoring Perspective > Select Group within Device Groups > Device View pane.
NOTE: If you are unable to locate the device, click on All Devices within the Device Groups pane, and then search for the IP address within the Device View Pane.
If the device is still not listed, the device discovery was unsuccessful, proceed to Troubleshooting NetBotz Appliance 300-500 Series Device Discovery.
Troubleshooting NetBotz 300-500 Series Discovery
1) Log into DCE's web interface and click on Status in the upper-right.
2) Under Additional Information select Troubleshoot Network and click Submit.
3) Under Function select Ping. Enter the IP Address of the NetBotz Appliance under Target Host and click Submit.
4) If the packet loss within the ping statistics section is at 100%, DCE is unable to ping the NetBotz Appliance over the network. This usually indicates that the IP Address used is not active on the network.
NOTE: Your network team should be able to tell you if ICMP traffic is blocked on the network, but on most networks it is available for use.
Example of a successful ping:
Example of an unsuccessful ping:
6) Log into the NetBotz Appliance using the Advanced View Application. If you are unable to log in, follow the steps in knowledge base NetBotz v3 | How do I configure network settings? to set an IP address on the appliance.
7) Under Appliance Settings, double-click on Network Interfaces.
8) Verify that the Subnet mask and gateway are correct and click OK.
NOTE: The IP Address listed is used during the discovery section, but an incorrect subnet mask or gateway can prevent certain network communication.
9) Under Appliance Settings, double-click on Web Server.
10) Ensure that the desired port and protocols are selected and click OK.
NOTE: These should correlate to the Port and Security Mode used for the device discovery.
11) Follow the steps again in the Discovering a NetBotz 300-500 Series Appliance section.
Released for:Schneider Electric USA