Licensing a Geo SCADA server is a two-step process that involves licensing the Geo SCADA server itself as well as licensing the local ViewX client. The below article explains what needs to be done to license a Geo SCADA server with a software license.
1. Save the .lic file onto the server
2. Unplug any USB Dongle Licenses if present
3. Right click on the Geo SCADA server icon and launch License Details
4. In License Details, please specify the correct location of the .lic file. Make sure the .lic file is issued for the Machine ID shown in License Details. Once the License is applied, the Validity property should say Valid and the Support / Geo SCADA Version should show the latest supported version of Geo SCADA.
5. Once the .lic file has been added to License Detail, please launch Geo SCADA Expert Service Manager either from an icon on the desktop or from Windows Start menu, and restart Geo SCADA Expert License Server.
1. Launch Configure Connections from the Windows Start menu
2. Click the Licenses... button once the Geo SCADA Expert Client program launches
3. Use the same License File path as in License Details when licensing the server
4. Click the Apply button. The Validity property should now show Valid and the License Mode should show "File based client license".
5. If the License Mode shows something else and the .lic file appears Invalid, close the Client Licensing window, but stay in Geo SCADA Expert Client. Double click on your system and make sure that "Use Client Licensing" is checked. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
Licensing the server:
To apply a software license to the Geo SCADA server, please do the following:1. Save the .lic file onto the server
2. Unplug any USB Dongle Licenses if present
3. Right click on the Geo SCADA server icon and launch License Details
4. In License Details, please specify the correct location of the .lic file. Make sure the .lic file is issued for the Machine ID shown in License Details. Once the License is applied, the Validity property should say Valid and the Support / Geo SCADA Version should show the latest supported version of Geo SCADA.
5. Once the .lic file has been added to License Detail, please launch Geo SCADA Expert Service Manager either from an icon on the desktop or from Windows Start menu, and restart Geo SCADA Expert License Server.
Note: make sure not to confuse this with Geo SCADA Expert Database Server. It is the License Server that needs to be restarted.
Licensing the local ViewX client:
1. Launch Configure Connections from the Windows Start menu
2. Click the Licenses... button once the Geo SCADA Expert Client program launches
3. Use the same License File path as in License Details when licensing the server
4. Click the Apply button. The Validity property should now show Valid and the License Mode should show "File based client license".
5. If the License Mode shows something else and the .lic file appears Invalid, close the Client Licensing window, but stay in Geo SCADA Expert Client. Double click on your system and make sure that "Use Client Licensing" is checked. Repeat steps 3 and 4.
Note: In some environments, the .lic file gets recognized by the server, but it does not seem to be recognized by the client. The most common causes for this issue are:
1. Incorrect path provided when licensing the client. Check to make sure the same license path is being used as in License Details when licensing the server.
2. The Geo SCADA Expert License Server is no longer running. This process should always be running. Launch Geo SCADA Expert Service Manager either from an icon on the desktop or from Windows Start menu and start Geo SCADA Expert License Server if it is not running.
3. In some instances, this issue was caused by Windows security settings. The easiest work around is to create a separate folder on the C: driver and store the .lic file in the newly created folder. Point both License Details and Client Licensing to that location and restart the Geo SCADA Expert License Server.
1. Incorrect path provided when licensing the client. Check to make sure the same license path is being used as in License Details when licensing the server.
2. The Geo SCADA Expert License Server is no longer running. This process should always be running. Launch Geo SCADA Expert Service Manager either from an icon on the desktop or from Windows Start menu and start Geo SCADA Expert License Server if it is not running.
3. In some instances, this issue was caused by Windows security settings. The easiest work around is to create a separate folder on the C: driver and store the .lic file in the newly created folder. Point both License Details and Client Licensing to that location and restart the Geo SCADA Expert License Server.
Released for:Schneider Electric USA