The problem with Citect TimeSyncService not being installed correctly as a Windows service could be that the PSO installer for this service expects the PSO installation drive to be "C:", although this is not always the users choice. Thus, the service does not install.
If the Citect Time Synchronization is not in the Windows Services list, then the path where PSO is installed should be checked.
According to the disk drive PSO is installed on, a command with the correct drive letter should be executed using the Windows command prompt (cmd.exe).
A command example for PSO installed on "D:" drive would be as follows:
sc create TimeSyncService binpath="D:\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\Power SCADA Operation\v2020 R2\bin\TimeSyncService.exe" displayname ="Citect Time Synchronization Service"
This should create the Windows service.
After refreshing the services list, the "Citect Time Synchronization Service" will be there.
The next step is to change its startup type to Manual mode and start it.
While the service is running, the Time Synchronization Configuration interface should be launched by running the TimeSyncConfig.exe.
If at the end of the above steps the Time Synchronization Service still doesn't work, most likely specific registry entries have to be created, so proceed to next steps.
- Save the attached TimeSyncService.reg exported registry configuration.
- Double-click on the TimeSyncService.reg file and accept writing theese entries into registry.
- Use regedit to edit the registry settings for TimeSyncService, which are found under this path in the registry:
- Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Services\TimeSyncService
- edit the ImagePath entry to reflect the drive letter and/or path under which the TimeSyncConfig.exe is installed
- exit the registry after the change and try again to launch the TimeSyncConfig.exe
Released for:Schneider Electric USA