What handle tie does Square D offer for QO, QOB and QOU breakers?
Product Line:
Breakers installed on QO load centers or NQ, NQO, NQOB, NQOD panelboards
•Catalog number QO1HT will tie 2 single-pole handles together.
See instruction bulletin, 40271-902-05.
•For 3 single-pole breakers, use QO3HT. This handle tie will fit on the QOU, but the padlock attachment will not fit on the QOU, Series 3 (low amp frame). The padlock attachment will work on the QOU, Series 1 in the 100 A frame however.
See instruction bulletin, 48840-181-01.
What handle tie does Square D offer for QO, QOB and QOU breakers?
Product Line:
Breakers installed on QO load centers or NQ, NQO, NQOB, NQOD panelboards
•Catalog number QO1HT will tie 2 single-pole handles together.
See instruction bulletin, 40271-902-05.
•For 3 single-pole breakers, use QO3HT. This handle tie will fit on the QOU, but the padlock attachment will not fit on the QOU, Series 3 (low amp frame). The padlock attachment will work on the QOU, Series 1 in the 100 A frame however.
See instruction bulletin, 48840-181-01.