The purpose of this Resolution is to inform users of 170AMM11030 Momentum I/O bases of a problem with the analog outputs after operating for a short time.
After 3-4 minutes of module operation, the actual analog outputs for channels 1 & 2 are different from their expected values. Negative output voltages may occur when a positive voltage is expected.
Product Line
A firmware and hardware solution has been implemented. Modules with an SV of 1.12 and a PV04 have this fix (implemented 9/04).
This is not a field upgradable option. Modules that are experiencing the issue described above must be exchanged.
Legacy KB System (APS) Data: RESL164814 V2.0, Originally authored by on , Last Edited by on
Related ranges: Modicon Momentum I/O
Đã phát hành cho:Schneider Electric Việt Nam