Answer : in case the processor seems to be completely dead (processor may have ETH_MS, ERR and ETH_NS LEDs lighted red), the processor is in a non-recoverable error. In order to get maximum of information about the issue, it is recommended to follow these steps :
Note 1 : in step1, if a power cycle is done instead of a reset, under some circumstances, some information set into %SW124 system word may be lost.
Note 2 : the crashlog stored in the processor following an unrecoverable error is persistent. It means that, even if some power cycle are performed, the crashlog is not lost (until a new crashlog will be created).
Note 3 : Be careful, an incompatibility exists between firmware used by the processor and Unity-Pro/ControlExpert version used to recover the "DiagFile" (logs information set into the processor) : Do not use a Unity-Pro/ControlExpert version <= V14.0 to get DiagFile from a processor with a firmware >= 2.80. In that case, the procedure to get the logs from the processor will failed => the message "Retrieving data from PLC failed" will appear in the file "trace.txt"). If you are in such case, use a newer version of ControlExpert to recover the files from processor.
For Unity-Pro V13.0 and V13.1, two specific HotFixes have been published to solve this incompatbility : "UnityPro_V130_HF0516225R" and "UnityPro_V131_HF0516225R"
- 1 : push the reset button of the power supply which supplies the rack (don't do a power cycle of the power)
- 2 : when the processor has finished its boot sequence, the processor is in Stop mode. Then, connect Control-Expert to the processor and capture the values set into system words %SW124, %SW125, %SW126, %SW127
- 3 : proceed to the recovering of logs with EcoStruxure Control Expert (= "DiagFile") by applying the procedure described in FAQ "FA354813" :
- 4 : share with your schneider-electric support, the file "DiagFiles_xxx.std" and the "trace.txt" files (both files are available in the same folder) and also maximum information which may help to find the reason of the issue :
- 2 : when the processor has finished its boot sequence, the processor is in Stop mode. Then, connect Control-Expert to the processor and capture the values set into system words %SW124, %SW125, %SW126, %SW127
- 3 : proceed to the recovering of logs with EcoStruxure Control Expert (= "DiagFile") by applying the procedure described in FAQ "FA354813" :
- 4 : share with your schneider-electric support, the file "DiagFiles_xxx.std" and the "trace.txt" files (both files are available in the same folder) and also maximum information which may help to find the reason of the issue :
- context of the issue
- architecture of the configuration
- exact date of the issue
- serial number (S/N), PV of the processor
- firmware version of the processor
- application used while the processor issue appeared (in *.sta format)
- values set into %SW124-%SW127 after the reset
Note 1 : in step1, if a power cycle is done instead of a reset, under some circumstances, some information set into %SW124 system word may be lost.
Note 2 : the crashlog stored in the processor following an unrecoverable error is persistent. It means that, even if some power cycle are performed, the crashlog is not lost (until a new crashlog will be created).
Note 3 : Be careful, an incompatibility exists between firmware used by the processor and Unity-Pro/ControlExpert version used to recover the "DiagFile" (logs information set into the processor) : Do not use a Unity-Pro/ControlExpert version <= V14.0 to get DiagFile from a processor with a firmware >= 2.80. In that case, the procedure to get the logs from the processor will failed => the message "Retrieving data from PLC failed" will appear in the file "trace.txt"). If you are in such case, use a newer version of ControlExpert to recover the files from processor.
For Unity-Pro V13.0 and V13.1, two specific HotFixes have been published to solve this incompatbility : "UnityPro_V130_HF0516225R" and "UnityPro_V131_HF0516225R"
Đã phát hành cho:Schneider Electric Việt Nam