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Schneider Electric Seneca Plant

Chartered in 1874, the city of Seneca occupies 7.1 square miles in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains in South Carolina’s far northwest county. The 2010 census recorded a population of 8,102 for Seneca, and the National Register of Historic Places lists a number of the city’s residential and commercial properties. Seneca is also home to one of the Schneider Electric™ manufacturing facilities. This particular plant manufactures motor control centers (MCCs), which are used in applications ranging from equipment for production lines and oil rigs, to equipment in wastewater treatment plants. In addition to a metal fabrication shop, the plant houses production lines for manufacturing the MCCs. And, like lots of other manufacturing facilities, Schneider Electric operates multiple shifts at this location throughout the week and on weekends. Controlling the cost to heat, cool, and light a large, open facility with high ceilings can present a variety of challenges. For instance, average temperatures in Seneca range from wintertime lows in the 30s to summertime highs in the 90s.

Data: 20 Agosto 2014 | Tipo: História de sucesso de clientes
Idiomas: Inglês | Versão: 1.1
Referência do Documento: SESenecaPlant_998-1234803_US


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