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OPC Factory Server 3.63 - Service Pack 1 (including OFS DEMO, LARGE, SMALL and WSP)

Bug fixing: A server crash may occur on EcoStruxure Control Expert build change whereas DFB in/out parameters items are active. Bug fixing: Extracted bits of words of DFB in/out parameters as members of DDT or array element were badly managed. Bug fixing: A crash may occur on a burst of asynchronous Read\Write\Refresh operations where memory resources were exhausted. Pending operations count is now limited to 10 per OPC Group, other operations are rejected. Bug fixing: The PLC link redundancy may generate an Uncertain state in #PLCQualStatus value whereas the primary was disconnected and standby became successfully primary PLC. Bug fixing: Items mapped on Quantum %I and %IW got BAD quality on EcoStruxure Control Expert to build change, Bug fixing: PLC PDU size was badly computed if a communication break occurred at the same time. Bug fixing: A crash may occur when operating simulated EBOOL items. Bug fixing: It was possible to run at the same time an OFS server instance running as a service, and a standalone instance. Bug fixing: Alias Reconnection Retry Number parameter does not deal anymore with a threshold but with an actual number of requests sending retries, whereas a sending error occurred. This parameter is supported also if PLC link redundancy is configured. Value range is [0-3]. Bug fixing: Device Last error code monitored in the Network window was badly managed. It supports now following communication errors :OFS_E_NA_NOT_CONNECTED 0xAFE20006 OFS_E_NA_BAD_SEND 0xEFE20007 OFS_E_NETMAN_RCV_TO 0xEFEF6243OFS_E_OVERFLOW 0xEFEF61DA Bug fixing: OFS running as a service was exposed to the "Unquoted service path" vulnerability. Enhancement: Communication Drivers folder update.

Дата: 23 Септември 2021 | Тип: Софтуер актуализация
Езици: Английски | Версия: V3.63SP1
Операционни системи: Windows 10
Референтен номер на документа: OFS_3_63_4903_SP1


Име на файл
OFS DA 3.63 SP1 Integrity Verification Procedure.pdf

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