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Description of issue or behavior (before installation of ControlExpert_V140_HF0540480R) With EcoStruxure Control Expert V14.0 , the “Rebuild All Project” command or “Build Changes” command can lead to an incorrect executable application when this application is using directly addressed data (%Mi, %MWi, %MDi, %MFi, %Si, %SWi, %SDi, %Ii, %IWi, %KWi, %KDi, %KFi) in more than one section. Any controller programmed with EcoStruxure Control Expert V14.0 is affected. In the incorrect executable application, some memory values might not correspond to actual values. The above situation may cause the application to behave incorrectly. Note1: This issue does not happen if no direct addressing data instances are used in the code, or if the build parallelism mechanism is disabled. Note 2: additional details are available in FAQ #FA408743 https://www.se.com/ww/en/faqs/FA408743/ New behavior after installation of ControlExpert_V140_HF0540480R In the above conditions, the executable application is correct, and the application behaves correctly. Important information: Build time increase. The duration of “Rebuild All Project” and “Build changes” operations will increase; because ControlExpert_V140_HF0540480R disable the possibility for Control Expert V14 to use computer's multicore capacity, and Build operations will only use one of the computer’s core processors.

Datum: 08 Jul 2020 | Typ: Software
Sprachen: Englisch | Version: V 1.0
Betriebssysteme: Windows 10
Bestellnummer: ControlExpert_V140_HF0540480R



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