Description of issue or behavior (before installation of ControlExpert_V141_HF0570819R) After “Restore Data from File to PLC” function with a Quantum controller, the values of %M and %MW, which have associated variable names, are not restored correctly. (Wrong values are restored.) Additional information: • The Save Data to DTX function works correctly, and a correct DTX file is generated • The Restore Data function is working correctly for the other cases: %M and %MW without variable names, unlocated variables, and function block instances. • DAT files are not affected by this issue. • Controllers other than Quantum are not affected by this issue. New behavior after installation of ControlExpert_V141_HF0570819R After “Restore Data from File to PLC” function with a Quantum controller, the values of %M and %MW, which have associated variable names, are restored correctly.
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