Product Line
ION Setup
Data Logs
ION Setup was designed as a viewing program without any facility for data storage or export.
If historic data that was downloaded from a meter in ION Setup needs to be exported to another format the following procedure will need to be follow:
Connect to the meter and enter data viewing mode (see ION Setup User's Guide for details).
- Open the data recorder of your preference. And highlight the section you'd like to copy.
- Select the Edit menu and choose copy.
- Open Microsoft Excel and open a 'New' document.
- Select the Edit menu and choose paste. You will need to create the column headings yourself as they won't be copied over.
- Highlight the Timestamp column and right click on one of the highlighted cells and select Format Cells
- When the Format Cells popup appears, change the Category to date, and select an appropriate date type.
- If the date shows up with an @ symbol between the Time & Date section, then you will have to find/replace the @ with a (space).
- Click on the A column heading to select the A column again.
- Select Edit and choose replace.
- In the find field place your @ symbol, then in the replace field you can type the space, then click Replace all.
To Graph Data:
- To Graph your data, you can select the Timestamp column & the desired columns by holding down the CTRL button and clicking on the Column letter.
- Click on the graph button, and follow the wizard to create the line/x-y scatter graph you need.
If you want to export the data as a .CSV file, follow Video: How to export datalogs from ION Setup in CSV and HHF formats | Schneider Electric USA
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