ATV58 ride through time for the voltage specification.
Product Line:
Altivar 58
Products sold and used in the United States
ATV58 voltage specifications
With factory default settings, there will be an Input supply undervoltage fault (USF) if the power loss exceeds 200 milliseconds.
If the undervoltage exceeds 1 second, there will be an Input supply phase loss fault (PHF).
Using the Controlled Stop on Power Loss setting, it is possible to extend the operation of the drive during loss of power in some applications:
This function can be used to determine how the drive controller will react to a loss of power. Three
configurations are possible:
? Disabled.
The drive controller immediately faults in response to an input phase loss. This is the factory setting.
? Follow the programmed deceleration ramp until the motor stops or an undervoltage fault appears.
Use this configuration if a consistent deceleration ramp is more important than maximizing power
loss ride through.
? Maintain DC bus voltage.
With this configuration, DC bus voltage is maintained as long as possible. The ATV58 TRX drive is
designed to ride through power sags and to provide degraded operation down to 60% of nominal line
voltage for 500 ms. Longer ride-through is possible if there is sufficient kinetic energy generated by
the connected motor load inertia. An undervoltage fault appears after the voltage drops below 60%
of nominal line voltage. This configuration should be used to maximize the ride-through time of the
drive controller and to minimize nuisance tripping.
ATV58 ride through time for the voltage specification.
Product Line:
Altivar 58
Products sold and used in the United States
ATV58 voltage specifications
With factory default settings, there will be an Input supply undervoltage fault (USF) if the power loss exceeds 200 milliseconds.
If the undervoltage exceeds 1 second, there will be an Input supply phase loss fault (PHF).
Using the Controlled Stop on Power Loss setting, it is possible to extend the operation of the drive during loss of power in some applications:
This function can be used to determine how the drive controller will react to a loss of power. Three
configurations are possible:
? Disabled.
The drive controller immediately faults in response to an input phase loss. This is the factory setting.
? Follow the programmed deceleration ramp until the motor stops or an undervoltage fault appears.
Use this configuration if a consistent deceleration ramp is more important than maximizing power
loss ride through.
? Maintain DC bus voltage.
With this configuration, DC bus voltage is maintained as long as possible. The ATV58 TRX drive is
designed to ride through power sags and to provide degraded operation down to 60% of nominal line
voltage for 500 ms. Longer ride-through is possible if there is sufficient kinetic energy generated by
the connected motor load inertia. An undervoltage fault appears after the voltage drops below 60%
of nominal line voltage. This configuration should be used to maximize the ride-through time of the
drive controller and to minimize nuisance tripping.