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PowerSCADA Expert installer gets stuck in the Windows Installer Coordinator during the Core Components Configurations installation step.

PowerSCADA Expert installer gets stuck in the Windows Installer Coordinator during the Core Components Configurations installation step.
In some occasions, it may take a while before the installation times out. If it takes more than 10 minutes, check the setup log file.
The log file is located at "installed drive":\Program Files (x86)\Schneider Electric\PowerScada Expert\v 8.1\SetupLogs (The path can differ depending on the version installed). Open the file call CitectCoreInstall and scroll all the way to the bottom. If the log looks similar to the screen capture below, proceed to the resolution.


In some instances it would show and error during the installation. The installation log shows "Request: ConfigureCoreinstaller  fail at function call


PowerSCADA Expert 8.x


In Windows 2008 R2, the Windows Installer Coordinator was added. With the Windows Installer Coordinator, if you have a "nested" MSI, the install will never go through.

The Desktop Session Host allows multiple installs to be in process at the same time by queuing the installs.
Windows Installer queuing behavior is controlled by a System Group Policy called "Windows Installer RDS Compatibility".
When the Remote Desktop Session Host is enabled, by default, the Group Policy for the "Windows Installer RDS Compatibility" is enabled.
When the "Windows Installer RDS Compatibility" is disabled the chained MSI is able to run.

To disable this group policy:
1) Log on to the system with a User that has Administrative privileges
2) Open the Windows Control Panel
3) Perform a search for Group Policy
4) The search results should display a link to the "Local Group Policy Editor"
5) Once inside the editor, go to:
Computer Configuration->Administrative Templates->Windows Components->Remote Desktop Services->Remote Desktop Session Host->Application Compatibility
6) In the right pane, right click on 'Turn off Windows Installer RDS Compatibility" and select Edit from the drop down menu
7) Select the Radio Button labeled 'Enable'
8) Click OK

Schneider Electric USA

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