Require part number for Weathershield, Wall Mounting Bracket and Ceiling Mounting Bracket for 15 KVA EXN transformers.
Product Line:
LVGP Transformers
Part Numbers for the Weathershield is 7400WS17M, Wall Mounting Bracket is 7400WMB17M and Ceiling Mounting Bracket is 7400CMB17M.
Dimensions are attached.
Require part number for Weathershield, Wall Mounting Bracket and Ceiling Mounting Bracket for 15 KVA EXN transformers.
Product Line:
LVGP Transformers
Part Numbers for the Weathershield is 7400WS17M, Wall Mounting Bracket is 7400WMB17M and Ceiling Mounting Bracket is 7400CMB17M.
Dimensions are attached.
Released for:Schneider Electric USA