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Video: How to create a new login information for ION Setup 3.0

A new login information (username/password) needs to be created to be used on ION Setup 3.0 software.

ION Setup 3.0

User authentication

1) Login to ION Setup with a supervisor account
2) Navigate to Tools -> Options and open the "Security" tab
3) Choose which Group you would like to add the new user to.
4) Click "Add..." button
5) Enter the new username in "Log on" field
6) Enter password under "New Password" field. Re-enter that password again in "Confirm Password" field
Note: Your password strength will be indicated under password strength field.
7) Click "OK" on security information windows to create the new user. The newly created user will be listed in users' list under security tab.
8) Click "OK" to confirm changes and close "Options" windows.
9) You can log out of ION Setup 3.0 software now and use the newly created user.

Schneider Electric España

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