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ยินดีต้อนรับสู่เว็บไซต์ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค



What is the ECCN of the Telemecanique switches & sensors (limit switches, pressure switches, safety switches, rope pull switches, electronic sensors ...)

Article available in these languages: ดัทช์

What means ECCN ? ECCN = Export Control Classification Number. Please refer to the attached official document from BIS (Bureau of Industry & Security) in US
What is the ECCN of the "Telemecanique" switches & sensors (limit switches, pressure switches, safety switches, rope pull switches, electronic sensors ...) produced in Europe and in Asia: they have no US Export Control Number at all (not concerned) if they are not transshipped through the USA or sold by a US entity. They do not contain US components/materials >10%. Note that our switches & sensors are not concerned by the regulation about dual-use goods (do not belong to the dual-use goods list). Complete the rules in the following link https://www.bis.doc.gov/index.php/regulations/export-administration-regulations-ear

ชไนเดอร์ อิเล็คทริค Thailand


bis_eccn.pdfbis_eccn.pdf [395.69 KB]