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Welcome to the Schneider Electric corporate Website

Unlock the best-in-class power of digital enablement

BOPP allows businesses to:

• Reward partners for investment in capabilities and engagement; 

• Build leading eCommerce business models; 

• Position channel partners and Schneider Electric for future profitable growth; 

• Capitalize on shifts in the new normal; 

• Accelerate digital transformation.

Social networking and privacy
Satellite image of the dark side of earth showing global digital connections

Drive traffic and conversion

for increased online revenue

Unlock new customers

with improved digital marketing

Drive insight decision making

with advanced analytics

Deliver ease of use

with best-in-class eCommerce experience

E2E integration

for availability, ordering, and delivery

How it works

Step 1

We run assessments to indicate our partner’s digital readiness and eCOM engagement

Step 2

Our e-commerce and partner’s teams build a Digital Joint Plan, setting the goals, and fundamental enablers and resources.

Step 3

We discuss and agree with our partner the requirements of data to share so we can evaluate the performance of the plan.

Step 4

We will hand in a certificate indicating the level of certification of the partner.

Step 5

Run the program and benefit from digital growth.

Hop in the journey to digital transformation and become a market leader

Our program is designed so that any partner joining, either starting or already on the journey, develops digital leadership and provide the best customer experience.

Whether you are a Novice with limited eCommerce experience; an Adopter with an active platform you are looking to grow; or a Leader with advanced experience looking to add new services, we can help.

three business persons discussing ideas while looking at a digital dashboard

Untap the best customer experience with cutting edge digital tools

Powered by best-in-class digital tools and capabilities to offer effective deployment, we will walk together to build and deploy strategic planning and achieve your targets and benefit from extra sales.

Business man using laptop


Kate Hanssen – Distrelec

“I am super excited to be doing this program, no other supplier works with us this way!”

Karsten Bækgård - Lemvigh Müller

"I am very glad to receive this as I know my marketing team has been working very hard to achieve this certification."

Patrick Tijssen, eCommerce Coordinator, Van Egmond Group

“Good collaboration requires trust. The close collaboration with Schneider Electric within BOPP program creates a win-win situation. By sharing data, assessing it together, and implementing improvements, we increase sales, marketing, and E-Commerce insights and are able to continuously improve our marketing strategy and create new sales opportunities.”

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