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Welcome to the Schneider Electric corporate Website

What is the Technology Partner Program?

This is a program for technology companies who would like to collaborate with us to deliver best-in-class multi-technology solutions in the energy management and industrial automation markets.

If you can complement our EcoStruxure offer by enabling auxiliary solutions and services — let’s partner up. Together we will create solutions to solve customer problems, innovate, and scale up quickly through our global reach.

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Successful collaboration with our partners

Arc Skoru

David Witek, COO, Arc Skoru
"As a Schneider Electric Technology Partner, we have the ability to cross-market our products and solutions. Together, we can not only build the buildings of the future but also shape the portfolios of the future."
Read the success story
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Solutions for

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Solutions for

Asset Management
Building Management
Communication Network and Cybersecurity
Energy Efficiency
Power Distribution
Renewable Energy
Safety and Security
Smart Design and Engineering
Smart Operations
Workforce Empowerment

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